Business taking Off- Sales in Sight

    This isn't a job. I am not looking for a job. I am looking at investing my life in a worthwhile venture. I want something that will give me cash in hand. I might get it through eBay listings. That would only be part of it. And only if I find a product to dropship that is selling and will sell. Price is important, yet I think customer service after the sale is just as if not more important.
    So as of yesterday I set up my business checking account...finally. It seemed for a while that the business account was not going to materalize. The bank will remain nameless, just that since I am here in California and I have my LL.C. set  up in Nevada, someone was thinking I would need to register my LL.C. here in California before the account could be opened. 
   So I was running around trying to find the form called LL.C.-5 which would be attained from the Secretary of State for about $70 and a yearly fee of around $800 more.
  So I went in yesterday without the documents to tell them that I wasn't   about to pay that extra expense.
   I was handed over to Carol, a customer rep, and she was able to find a small booklet that stated I wouldn't need the Ca. LL.C. form if I was not going to be selling across state lines. I am not, nor was I planning to. My business is here in California and I don't need to cross state lines to transact my business. All I need is a computer and a hookup to the internet. I already have my EIN #.
   So we finished the paper work and I got my business checking account. I am DRS Enterprise LL.C. and I am retail Ecommerce. Basicly I do eBay. I will branch out into affliate marketing.


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