What Are They Looking For?
I must step back and ask why people are not responding to the offers posted in this blog. I then figured maybe I am not offering what the people want. So the next step would be to ask you, the reader, what is it that you want that I can get for you?
It will always be the form of a digital program that you can use, or an e-book that you can read.. Or from time to time I have offered vitamins or items through Amazon.
So now I am stepping back and asking, what is it you wish me to get for you? I can't be an emporium. But I can stgrive to meet your need.
I have offered in the past digital programs that can help you get your ex-back. I have offered sometime last year a plain to help you become rich. I have offered a digital plain to help your memory. Also one to improve your relationship. Even a sex program for men to improve in the bed room.
Just a few examples of things I have posted. Just go back in the blog posts and see for yourself.
But now I need some feedback. What are you looking for that I might be able to get for you?
Use the comment box below.
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